Tribute by Radhika Coomaraswamy

We reproduce a tribute by Radhika Coomaraswamy, then Director of the International Centre for Ethnic Studies, which was published in the Sunday Times on 22nd August 1999. “I shall not look upon his like again” (Hamlet Act 1 sc. 2) A few days before he died, Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam gave a memorial lecture on one […]

Tribute by Canadian Foreign Minister Axworthy

CANADA CONDEMNS THE MURDER OF SRI LANKAN MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT DR. NEELAN TIRUCHELVAM Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy and Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) Raymond Chan today strongly condemned the murder of Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam on July 29, 1999. Dr. Tiruchelvam was a leading figure in the search for a peaceful solution to Sri Lanka’s long-standing […]

Tribute By Roberto Unger

We reproduce a tribute by Dr. Tiruchelvam’s friend Prof. Roberto Unger of Harvard Law School. It was delivered on September 17, 1999 at a memorial held at Harvard Law School. Prof. Unger is now the Minister of Strategic Planning in Brazil. Neelan Tiruchelvam had an idea and a passion. His idea was that we are […]

Tribute By Michael Ondaatje

Michal Ondaatje paid tribute to Neelan Tiruchelvam when he accepted the PEP award in April 2011 in New York. “The book rested on her lap, like a doorway.” D.H. Lawrence wrote that in The Rainbow, in 1915. Today we’re luckier, living in a time of great translations and translators. We can be influenced by every […]

Tribute By Chief Justice Sarath Silva

The Sri Lankan Supreme Court last Friday paid tribute to the late Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam, PC in January 2000. The Chief Justice Sarath N. Silva said on the occasion: ‟Dr. Tiruchelvam was indeed a man of many parts, who excelled in several spheres of activity. He was firstly a legal luminary who gained national and […]

Tribute by President Bill Clinton to Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam

Hillary and I were shocked and saddened by the tragic death of Neelan Tiruchelvam at the hands of terrorists in Sri Lanka today. We extend our deepest condolences to his wife and family. Neelan Tiruchelvam was a constitutional lawyer and human rights advocate who was well-known and well-respected far beyond his country. He devoted himself […]